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about Asako Otsuka 

大塚麻子 経歴

1969             生於日本,神奈川縣川崎市

1990             女子美術大學 藝術學部 藝術學科 造形學專攻 畢業

1996至今      居住台灣,從事藝術創作, 翻譯,公共藝術企劃




1999    藝術真說、生活真說展,台北

1999    藝術村駐村,Atlantic Center for the Arts, Florida, USA

2000    中華攝影教育學會國際專題學術研討會,台北

2002    台灣日本雕塑交流展, 陽明山國家公園遊客中心,台北

2002    <我想嫁給藝術家>個展,Criterium,水戶藝術館,日本

2002    三芝花情特展,三芝農文館,台北

2003    <Butterfly man與台灣的俳句>cafe in Mito展, 水戶藝術館,日本

2003     個展,CAS,大阪,日本

2004     個展,大國民,台北

2006     寶藏巖共生藝術村 駐村,台北

2006     台北藏寶 看見寶藏巖展,台北

2009     GEISAI TAIWAN 肉宇宙の茶室

2010      進化式享樂,A7958,台中

2010     台北縣公共藝術計畫, 藝起趣碧潭, 台北

2010     <肉宇宙的旅程 >個展,橘園非畫廊,台北

2010     台北市公共藝術節,寶藏巖,台北

2011     活彈藥, 台北當代館,台北

2012     演出快樂孤獨秀,台北藝術節,台北

2012     個展, 台北203, 台北

2013     台北公共藝術節,溫北投, 台北

2014     台灣人體藝術攝影展,情色情, 華山,台北

2015     外太空星球甜甜圈辦公室,私藝術空間,台北

2021     聯展  由林成森, 嘉義市立美術館, 嘉義

2022     聯展  偶然的必然, 問空間, 板橋

2023     光柵首都, 光源台北,2023台灣燈會   






















1969   born in Kawasaki, Japan


1990   graduated from Joshibi University of Arts, Bachelor of Art 


1996.4~present living and working in Taipei, Taiwan





1999 group exhibition, “Essence of art, Essence of life”, Taipei, Taiwan

1999 residence artist, Atlantic Center for the Art, Florida, U.S.A

1999 group exhibition,"inside out",Atlantic Center for the Arts, Florida,  U.S.A

2000 The society for photographic education of Chinese, Taipei, Taiwan

2001 group exhibition,“Taiwan/Japan cultural exchanging contemporary sculpture exhibition”, Yan ming shan national park            tourist center,Taipei, Taiwan

2002   solo exhibition, "I want to marry an artist" solo exhibition, Art tower Mito, Criterium, Ibaraki, Japan

2002   group exhibition, San-zhi agricultural center, San-zhi, Taipei

2002   group exhibition, "CAfe in Mito”, Art tower Mito,Ibaraki, Japan

2002   solo exhibition, CAS, Osaka, Japan

2003   solo exhibition, "Butterfly man", Citizen Cain, Taipei, Taiwan

2006   residence artist, Treasure Hill Arist Village, Taipei, Taiwan

2006   group exhibition, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan

2009   GEISAI TAIWAN, Taipei, Taiwan

2010   group exhibition, A7958 gallery, Taichung, Taiwan

2010   Taipei county public art project, Art Fun Bitan, Taipei, Taiwan

2010   solo exhibition,  Beyond Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

2010   Taipei Public Art Festival, Taipei Lantern Festival, Treasure Hill

2012   solo exhibition, Taipei203, Taipei

2012   Happy Solitude Show, Taipei Art Festival, Taipei

2013   Taipei Public Art Festival, Winking Beitou, Taipei

2014   Taiwan Art Nude Photography Exhibition, Huashan, Taipei

2015   Outerspace planet donut office, Mon-Art Space, Taipei

2021  Jia Mei Shrine , Jia-yi City Musum, Jia Yi

2022.  group show, ask art space, Banqiao

2023   The Luminous Barrier, Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taipei

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